Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Poll: who is TV's best female role model?

It's International Women's Day! To celebrate, I've compiled another themed poll.

The question is very simple: which TV actress is the best role model for women today?

This isn't down to their looks, it's about the quality of the characters they play and the positivity they exude for female viewers.

As usual, I've drawn up a list of candidates appearing on current TV shows I'm watching. You can choose ONE from my list, or vote for your OWN. But, remember: votes for actresses who aren't appearing in a TV show currently in-production will be discounted. (For example: Buffy fans can't vote for Sarah Michelle Gellar, Dollhouse fans can't vote for Eliza Dushku.)

What are you waiting for? Get voting! And why not leave a comment to explain your choice below?

The poll will close on Saturday 12 March @5PM GMT. Feel free to retweet this poll or share it, as that can only help.

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