Friday, July 8, 2011


The first full-length trailer of The Inbetweeners Movie has been released, and it looks promising. I don't get the feeling this totally justifies being a feature-film, as it visually resembles an episode of the TV series that's managed to shoot overseas, but provided it's funny that shouldn't be an insurmountable problem. And there are admittedly some amusing moments in this trailer (like Neil's naff dance moves), which is what you need from any comedy trailer. Unlike similarly-themed movies, it helps that we're acquainted with these characters after three years watching their exploits, so the story should hopefully get down to business with minimal exposition and introductions.

This movie's audience are primarily going to be fans of the sitcom, although it may have wider appeal because the concept's so ripe for comedy (four sex-mad school friends go on a lad's holiday abroad). For British youngsters, it's very rare to have a teen movie that's been tailored specifically for them. We're so used to adjusting our perceptions to "American" for teen movies (pool parties and road trips aren't part of any Briton's experience growing up!), so The Inbetweeners already feels like it'll work simply because it's tapping into the British psyche. That's part of the reason the TV series worked so well, too.

The Inbetweeners Movie is released nationwide in the UK on 19 August.

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