Friday, February 18, 2011

State of the Blog: donations, sponsors, friends, etc.

Penny for the blog?

I've decided to add a PayPal "donations button" to DMD, near the top of the sidebar. The reason for this is simple: while I've always blogged as a pastime (partly to sharpen my writing and work ethic), I think the blog's reached the point where I'd be a fool not to take advantage of an opportunity to earn some extra pennies. An opportuntiy many blogs of lower output/quality take advantage of. So, a few donations would be very much appreciated... but never expected.

I'm quite happy for everyone to keep visiting DMD, as usual, and simply leave comments. This is the way it's been for five years, and I'm quite happy with that arrangement to continue for another five. But, if you do have deep pockets and would like to show your gratitude in a more material way, that option now exists. If you don't feel comfortable donating, for whatever reason, no offence is taken. Honestly. But maybe you'll instead consider clicking a few of the blog's adverts instead? That also earns me commission, while taking nothing from your own piggy bank! Win-win, right?

Businesses: advertise here!

In a related matter, are you a business that would like to sponsor DMD? This blog attracts thousands of visitors every single day, so an advert placed here for 12-months will be seen by over a million people with an interest in entertainment media. And that number's rising all the time. Please email me to discuss rates.

Oooh, fwiend!

I know many of you kindly follow me with a RSS feedreader, via Twitter, or have joined DMD's Facebook page for updates, but I thought I'd mentioned a lesser-known method to get alerts: Google Friend. Scroll down to the blog's footer and you'll find a widget with 71 people who have chosen to follow the blog's updates that way. If you'd like to increase that number to 72, at the very least, I'd appreciate it. 100? Even better! 200? I may just faint.

Boxed up

You've probably noticed DMD's new header logo, of a blue TV next to the blog's title. Every weekend, I'll be changing the logo so a relevant person-of-the-week is framed in the TV screen. It will alternate gender, too. Most celebs will reflect the return of a particular TV show in the week to come, but there may be the odd surprise or comical misuses. Most of the faces will be familiar, some won't be. Occasionally there may even be relevant objects, just to keep you on your toes!

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